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Zero To Hero - Become The Hero of Your Personal Brand in 7 Steps

A hero’s journey is the central focus of so many legends, both in fiction and the business world. This article will walk you through seven steps to take control of your narrative, and turn your personal brand into that of a hero.

#1 Embrace Your Origin Story

Katniss Everdeen used a bow and arrow to hunt for food, J.K. Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter book as a single mom on food stamps…

We all start somewhere, and if you’re doing this whole “life" thing right, your character should end their arc happier, wiser, or richer than where they started. But a key to staying grateful, focused, and on the public’s good side is to frame yourself as the underdog.

This can easily be accomplished by reminding yourself of where you come from. Instead of letting the adversity you faced be a source of shame, look at it as the secret of your success. You would not have developed the work ethic, resilience, or optimism that lead to your achievements if you had had everything handed to you.

#2 Protect Your Secret Identity

Bruce Wayne doesn’t run errands in his bat-mobile, Beyoncé rarely does in-person interviews…

While being proud of your authentic roots is important, it’s natural and totally okay if there are parts of your life you don’t want to broadcast to the world. Set those boundaries early, and set them firm.

#3 Hone Your Powers

Harry Potter went to Hogwarts, athletes train for hours every day.

Raw talent gets your foot in the door, but perfecting your craft makes you the star of the party. Get really narrow about what your gifts are, and then build ways to serve your community on top of them.

#4 Be Aware Of Your Weaknesses

Achilles’ literal heel, an Instagram influencer’s vanity…

Having the self awareness to know where you need help, believe it or not, another weapon in your tool belt. No one is brilliant at everything. 

Whether you can get around them by hiring someone to do those tasks for you, learning how to overcome a problem, or protecting your weak spot with armour, you have to acknowledge its existence first.

#5 Know Your Nemesis

Javert vs. Jean-Val-Jean, Bernie Sanders vs. The 1%…

Your arch nemesis doesn’t have to be an actual, real-life person (in fact, it’s probably better if it isn’t). But by making a short list of issues and injustices in the world that make you angry and motivated to make a change, you can flip that into know what causes you care about most.

#6 Wear Your Super Suit

Superman getting dressed in a phone booth, Steve Jobs with his black turtlenecks…

No, you aren’t obligated to wear the same outfit everyday. But by having a signature accessory, haircut, or colour, you easily stand out in a crowd, in photos, and in people’s memories.

#7 Be An Upstanding Citizen

Cinderella’s heart of gold, a millionaire’s philanthropy…

Last but not least, heroes are the good guys. They have the public on their side, and the easiest way to do that is by being an upstanding citizen in your community. Don’t break the law, apologize if you’ve hurt someone, and treat people with respect.

Colourfully Yours,

  • Clarence

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