How To Write A Quick Pitch For SubmitHub by Ear To The Ground’s Greg Jones

Everyday we get dozens of new submissions.  Some of them include a “quick pitch” where they explain a bit about themselves.  Some folks like to be funny, others like to be a bit rude or demanding.  My favorites, though, are a combination of informative and entertaining.  Here’s some advice on writing a good quick pitch for the SubmitHub platform.


Show the editor that you are familiar with their blog.  This can happen in a few ways.  First of all, be sure to submit the correct genre.  But within that, make mention of either an artist the blog has covered in your genre or one of the major influences.  For example, a singer-songwriter submitting to our site would be wise to mention someone like Noah Gundersen or David Ramirez as we cover them and compare with them often. 


Your pitch should have some sort of hook to give the editor a sense that the song is worth hearing.  This hook could be funny or serious.  You might mention something about where it was recorded or who produced it (serious).  You also might mention your cat meowing in the intro or that you wore your favorite hat during the recording.  Whatever you think will make people pay attention.


Give the editor a cue for something you especially think is strong.  This might be a solo or a particularly strong set of harmonies.  Whatever it is, give a little “listen to X at the: 30 mark” is enough of a cue to make editors pay attention to that.  If you can combine this with suggestion one, you might say something like “listen for the Ray Charles style vox at :50” or something to that effect.


Far too often we get people who make a total joke or mockery of the pitch.  Some will type random characters just to be funny.  Others will be dismissive about self-promotion.  This is not the time or place for the lecture, but if you are serious in the music industry you have to do a little self-promotion.  You don’t have to say you sound like John Lennon resurrected.  Just be honest about who you are and what you’re trying to do.  That’s much better than just giving up.  


It seems trendy to self deprecate about art.  “Just a humble guy from Brooklyn crying about his ex.”  I mean… maybe that could work.  But you are more than that.  You are an accomplished recording artist.  Be proud of your art.  Sure it might be a heartache song, but don’t put down your training.  The worst in this vein is when people say things about how it’s not really very good and they’re just sharing a demo or a first draft.  Why?  Why are you sharing that?  If you’re not proud of it, why on earth would a blogger put it on their site?  Remember that editors are looking for amazing content for our readers/listeners.

So the best quick pitches are ones that aren’t just about social media following or empty compliments to the blogger.  They are genuine comments that work to promote the song and the artist in a meaningful way.  You don’t get a lot of words to make the pitch, so make them count and give the song a chance for promotion.

Greg Jones is co-founder and co-editor of  He writes reviews, artist spotlights, and interviews with a variety of artists in the roots, folk, and indie rock genres.  He can be reached at ATTN: Greg


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